Friday, October 10, 2008


So our computer got a virus and always freezes so for the past little while we have been having to use our laptop. All of our pictures are on that computer exept the ones that were on my camera so I will post some of those and hopefully we get our computer fixed soon and don't loose all of our pictures.
For the past while we have been remodeling our bathrooms and redoing our floors. We put new tile on the floor in the kitchen a while ago and this week we got our master bathroom shower done and it looks really nice!! Clar is doing it himself in his spare time so it is taking a while but the things he has finished look so nice. His brother came over a couple weeks ago to help him tear out our old tile in the shower and that is all I have pictures of so far of the project. I should have taken before and after pictures but I forgot so instead I will post during pictures. I will post some more pictures when the bathroom is all the way done.

Taking out the old floor. There was some older, grosser tile under our old and gross tile.

Clar's brother Houston tearing out the old tile in the shower.

Over the weekend we enjoyed listening to conference. It was so good! There were a lot of amazing talks and we really enjoyed listening to them. This is a picture of Clar and his dad and brothers and nephew after the priesthood session.

During the preisthood session, I went to my parent's house to see my sister who was down from NAU. My two youngest sisters were watching Hannah Montana and Nena kept dancing to the music. It was so funny, her dancing has really changed from before.

On Sunday, we celebrated my Grandma Riding's birthday with a family birthday dinner! It was a lot of fun!! We ate outside and the weather was so nice!! I'm so glad it is finally starting to cool down at least at night and in the mornings!


Holly said...

Cute family and big, fun projects! I'm excited to see your floors when you're all done! It's so fun to see what you're up to!! :)

Anonymous said...

The remodling looks like fun, just kidding. It's always so nice when it's finished. Glad you got your computer fixed, I was wondering what happened to you!

As Told By Molly said...

With Clar on the job, you'll have the best tile on the block. He is so talented.

I hope you get the kinks worked out of your computer. I don't know what I would do without mine!

Love the picture of you and Nena on the swing.

Snowflakers said...

New tile is exciting, I know!

That video of Nena dancing is sooo cute!

How old is your Grandma Riding?

Glad you're back with your blogging again -- I missed your posts.

J,B,A,P Hatch said...

I love the swing picture. And it is always so cute when little kids dance! Good luck on your exciting project!