Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My baby has curly hair!!

A little while ago, I put some gell in Nena's hair to see what it would look like because her hair has a lot of curls in the back but they are just crazy. It looked so cute but when she went to sleep and woke up, the gell was out and it was crazy again. I realized that if I'm going to do her hair like that, it has to be after she sleeps.


As Told By Molly said...

It's so awesome that Nena even has hair. London's hair didn't start to grow till she turned two!

flakeyfour said...

She is a cutie! I love the curly hair.

Anonymous said...

That is so cute, keep having fun with her.

Snowflakers said...

Nena is a cutie -- I love her curly hair!

Jenae said...

I love the curls! Nena is getting so old - she is adorable

J,B,A,P Hatch said...

I LOVE curly hair. Adi has curly hair and it is so fun to do!

Sheena said...

She is sooo stinking cute!! And you got a little dancer on your hands....too cute!

Clark and Liesel said...

Her curls are adorable! Little girls with curly hair is sooo adorable!