Thursday, October 16, 2008

Nena is a CUTIE!!

Whenever I put a basket of laundry on the ground and start to fold the clothes, Nena always comes and starts to pull out all of the clothes as fast as she can. She was playing with one of Clar's shirts and was wrapping it around her like a cape so I tied the sleeves together. She started running around and laughing and having so much fun with her cape!! She is such a smiley girl and is so much fun!!

A little while ago, Nena started to fold her arms whenever we are saying a prayer. We didn't really even teach her, one day we just pulled her high chair up to the table for dinner and she folded her arms!! I guess that just goes to show that whatever age a kid is, they learn through the parents examples even if the parents think they are too young to understand.

She isn't really folding her arms in this picture but I just thought it was so cute!!

It's so much fun to see her learn and understand new things every day. She truly is such a blessing in our lives and we couldn't love her more!!


theniufamily said...

I love the picture of her folding her arms. She is so cute!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how big she is. It seems like she looks a lot older then the last time I saw her or picture.

Clark and Liesel said...

What a cutie pie she is! I like the one of her folding her arms. She is so smart!