Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Snowflake Celebration

This past weekend we went up to Snowflake for the 24th of July celebration. It was a lot of fun as it is every year!! This is something that I always look forward to and I have only missed it once in my whole life that I can remember! (I haven't asked my mom about if we went when I was a baby) On Friday was a reunion for all the Flakes that happens every year consisting of our traditional Flake rodeo and then a potluck lunch afterwards. Since we have been married, every year Clar participates in the ribbon roping part of the rodeo as the mugger for some of my cousins and sisters. For the people who don't know what ribbon roping is, the cow is let out and the roper ropes it and then the mugger has to hold the cow still so the person can pull the ribbon off the cow's tail. As soon as the person pulls the ribbon off the tail, they have to run to one end of the arena where someone is waiting with an orange flag held up and give the ribbon to them and meanwhile the mugger has to get the rope off the cow. As soon as the rope is off the cow and the person with the flag has the ribbon, they put the flag down and the timer stops the clock. The fastest time wins. This year Clar should have gotten 2nd place with one of my cousins but the timers didn't start the time when they were supposed to and so they had to do it again and my uncle, who was roping missed so they got no time. It was so dumb.
Clar and my sister waiting to start

This is a different time but Clar is mugging and if you look closely, you can see my cousin behind the cow getting the ribbon.

Saturday was the town's celebration that started out with footraces first thing in the morning for the kids. We didn't go to that this year but hopefully we will get to it next year because then Nena will be a little older and know what to do. After the races was the parade! Snowflake has the best small town parade that I have seen hands down!! My family found the best spot right under a huge shade tree, it wasn't hot at all!

The town has a rodeo on both Friday and Saturday night. We usually just go one night but this year we decided to go both nights. Right after the Saturday night rodeo, they turn off all the lights and start the fireworks just a little ways away from the rodeo grounds, it's pretty cool to watch but I do have to say that the Heber fireworks are way better.

We went to Sonic and Nena loved it!!

On Sunday the weather was beautiful so we had to hang out outside for a while before we left to come back to the heat!

It was a super fun weekend and I can't wait until next year!!


Karisa Tomkinson said...

Looks like you guys had a fun Fourth of July! :) I love looking at all the pictures! I can't believe Clar basically wrestled a cow! Crazy! He has to be pretty brave in my opinion to do that. :)

The Nylanders said...

Kristen, what a fun weekend. It is sad because out here in Chicago, no one celebrates July 24th. I love Rodeo's, parades, fireworks, 3-legged races - that sounds so fun! My favorite picture is Nena and the extra large big gulp. She is so adorable.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you had fun. It's always more fun when you have kids to take to everything and have fun.

As Told By Molly said...

Hey Kristen! Awh man, looks you guys had a good time. I wish we could have come up this's the first year we've missed in five years. But work is important, too, I guess.

I LOVE the picture of Nena with that huge Sonic drink and Clar as the rodeo man. Good times!

I'm glad you have a blog so that we can keep up with each other. Now we just need to talk our other sister-in-laws into getting their's going... :)