Monday, June 16, 2008

Day Camp

I am the cub scout Bear Leader in our ward. On Thursday and Friday morning we had our yearly Day Camp. It turned out to be really fun and I think the boys had a good time. First off, we made toolboxes for the Dad's for Father's Day. (The boys did everything themselves except cut the wood.)

We also had a "Bug Lady " come and show us some different bugs. That was probably my least favorite part of the whole thing. I hate bugs and to see a bunch of them all right in front of me and to see people holding and touching them is even worse. Yuck! The boys, of course, loved it though and afterwards they were even able to hold a few of them.

This is a kind of praying mantis thing from Africa.

He was kind of freaking out.

It was tickling his ear!

A millipede!!


When the bugs left I could finally breathe a little better.

The Theme of our camp was Camp Moroni and so we made headbands, armbands, and little pouches so the boys could dress up like they did back in Moroni's time. Captain Moroni even came and taught the boys about the Title of Liberty and then the boys got to make their own Title of Libery's.

The last thing we did was to pretend to act out a battle between the Nephites and the Lamanites. We had buckets of water and spongy balls and had a battle leaders verses boys! Everyone got pretty wet and had a great time.

The Leaders surrender!


The wonderful leaders that I work with! They are all really amazing people! (It was right during the middle of Nena's naptime so she passed out both days.)


As Told By Molly said...

Hey Kristen! Welcome on the blog train - yay! I love your blog! I can't wait to keep up with you guys now.

What a super fun Day Camp. I was the Bear leader for two years in our ward and I really loved it. I learned so much. It really helps prepare you for having scouts of your own someday.

I was thinking it was a good thing you brought your camera - so your hands could be full and you wouldn't have to hold any of those crazy bugs!

Anonymous said...

Looks like fun! I just got put in as a Den Leader, hope we skip the bug part!