Playing whiffle ball (I don't know how to spell it)
Sitting on the swing.
Our Little Family
Playing whiffle ball (I don't know how to spell it)
Sitting on the swing.
Nena & Annie at the swimming pool. (It looks like no one is behind watching them but my sister is, she is just right behind them so you can't see her)
We always find her with an arm or leg hanging out of the crib, maybe we should put the bumper back on.
We went camping and it was so cold so we had to try and keep her warm while she slept at night.
She falls asleep on the floor sometimes when she's really tired.
Mirabel, Alexis, Nena and Annie
Hanging out in diapers. (While we were there, Nena fell and hit her head on the corner of the piano bench. That's why she has the big line across her face.)
Just chillin with Dad
Just walking around. Nena always sticks her tounge out, it's cute!
After the party, we decided to stop by Cabella's and look around because it's right across the street. There is a lot to look at, it's pretty cool.
Clar and Nena in the wildife museum
Looking at the animals
"What are you doing here?"
Hanging in the shopping cart
It was tickling his ear!
The Leaders surrender!
The wonderful leaders that I work with! They are all really amazing people! (It was right during the middle of Nena's naptime so she passed out both days.)