Tuesday, February 23, 2010


We started to feed Hunter some finger foods and he loves them!! It is so nice because I can put him in his high chair and give him some food real quick and then get Nena fed or get something done while he is contained and happy and not everywhere getting into everything. Here he is eating some cheese!

Clar and Hunter in their football gear!!

Hunter is so crazy and is now pulling himself up on things to stand! It is so cute and fun but at the same time it is sad knowing that he is growing up and not a little baby anymore! Nena didn't even start crawling until she was 8 1/2 months and now Hunter started crawling and pulling himself up on everything before he was even 7 months!

Hunter is 8 months old today and is so fun and happy!! We love him!!
Nena is so completely obsessed with princesses and I love it!! She has so many princess dolls and princess toys and loves to watch all the princess movies and sing all the songs and she has princesses all over her room! I always hoped my little girl would love princesses and it makes me so happy that she does!!!

Lining up all her princesses
She also loves to dress up and loves Sundays because she gets to wear one of her pretty dresses!! Whenever she's wearing a dress or a skirt she twirls it around and dances!!

She loves it when I let her try my glasses on

The cute kiddos!!


Anonymous said...

I love the picture with Nena and her princesses and her shirt on that says "I love football"! Hunter looks happy eating, I remember how nice it is when there is something that will keep them content around dinner time. Cute kids!

Anonymous said...

They are so cute and he is getting so big! He is so young to be standing up! Wow! Fun kids!

Richard and Tiffany said...

Hey Kristen! WOW your kids are adorable, I can't believe how big your son is already!! Hey I was wondering if I could get your address for my baby shower on March 27th! Even if you can't come, I would like to have an updated list of addresses! Thanks!