Monday, December 28, 2009


Christmas was so much fun!! It gets better every year because Nena gets older and starts to understand more! This year she knew who Santa was and she actually opened all of her presents and also all of Hunter's! Both of them got so spoiled they got toys, books, coloring books, clothes, Nena got a tricycle and their big present was a swing set! Here are some pictures of the morning.
Opening stockings


Nena's tricycle

We got this swingset on craigslist so it's not perfect but it should last us a long time and Nena loves it!! Clar set it up on Christmas Eve during Nena's nap and so she didn't see it all set up until Christmas morning when we took her outside after opening presents!

Playing on the swingset

Hunter & Daddy

This was my big Christmas present and I love it!!


Anonymous said...

What fun and your piano is BEAUTIFUL!! Play it lots!

Snowflakers said...

That piano is gorgeous and the swing set looks like it will hold up under lots of use for a long time. Glad you had a good Christmas!

theniufamily said...

wow a piano! That's amazing. I'm so jealous.

Karisa Tomkinson said...

Wow! Nena & Hunter are getting so big! Crazy! It looks like you guys had a fun Christmas! So exciting for the kiddos to get a playground and for you to get a piano!!! Love it and love you! :)