Monday, September 21, 2009

Last weekend we went up to Snowflake to watch my grandparents "farewell" because they are going on a mission! Of course, I forgot to take any pictures. It was a fun weekend and it's wierd to think that my grandparents won't be in Snowflake for a while. We will miss them! I do have some random pictures though. Nothing too exciting has happened lately.
I just realized that I probably always post more pictures of Hunter than Nena. It's because I can actually take pictures of Hunter and he doesn't run away like Nena does. She will rarely let me take pictures of her.
Nena eating an ice cream cone. She loves ice cream!!
I love Nena's curly hair, it's so cute. Right after she wakes up though it's crazy and sticks out all over the place! (Can you tell what side she was sleeping on?)
Last week Hunter rolled over for the first time!! He has done it four times so far!! Nena rolled over once when she was really little and then didn't roll over again for a long time after that so hopefully Hunter doesn't do that. I guess we will see. Lately he has started sucking on his fists a lot which is cute but it makes him drool like crazy.
Asleep on the couch.

He likes to hold on really tight to his burp clothes. Sometimes he even puts them in his mouth and sucks on them.

Chillin' in his bumbo.

Hunter will be three months old on Wednesday!! I can't believe he's already going to be three months, it has gone by way to fast! It seems like just yesterday we brought him home from the hospital!!


Danielle said...

I love your family pictures! SO fun! I'll be in Mesa October would be so fun to get together with you, Meagan, and Amber. Let me know what you think.

flakeyfour said...

Thanks for the update. I like your new sidebar pictures. It must have been Shavan?