Monday, May 11, 2009


Sorry for my lack of posting lately, the main reason for that is because we moved!! Last Saturday was the big day and so I have been busy packing and getting everything ready to move, moving and now am slowly unpacking and trying to put everything in place of where I want it to be. We are in the middle of doing some work on the house and are still not quite finished but the main things are done and the house is livable so we moved in and hopefully the rest of the work will be finished soon.

The house

The kitchen before

The kitchen after

This is the only room that is completely finished right now (besides painting) and as more rooms get completed, I will post pictures of them too. We love our new house and all the room we now have!!


flakeyfour said...

OOOH! It looks nice. I can't wait to see the rest. Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

I love it. Glad you posted pictures, i've been wondering what it looked like. I love the kitchen.

Jenae said...

Wow, a real house, how exciting!

Rachel Marie said...

Oh Kristen it is beautiful! Just simply fantastic.

Danielle said...

Kristen, what a beautiful house!?! You own a house...crazy, huh? I'm so happy for you. A family of four could do great in a house like that. I'm excited to see it in person one day..hopefully sooner than later. Miss you!

Sheena said...

Hey Kristen, I got a message from Kami a while back in regards to your shower, I text her my address and then got busy and didn't follow back up so I take it I missed your shower, sorry I didn't get the invitation to remind me. I will have to come by and see you before you have the baby unless you already did :) If I haven't missed your shower by some miracle I want to come! How is the new house, a lot more room huh! It looks gorgeous!