Friday, January 2, 2009


We had an early Christmas Eve dinner and program at my parent's house. It was fun, the nativity was pretty funny though because 3 out of the 5 cast members were 2 and under so they were just wandering around.

Eating dinner

The nativity. Nena, her cousin Annie and my sister Melissa were shepards, My cousin Katelyn was an angel and my sister Angela was Mary. I don't think we had a Joseph. Annie didn't really want to be up with the others, I think she's wandering around somewhere.

Baby Jesus was a stuffed bear, Nena loved it!

Nena and Angela

On the real Christmas Eve we were with Clar's family but I didn't take any pictures because Nena was too busy running around the house and didn't want to be part of the nativity. It was a lot of fun though, we got some great presents from our secret pals. Clar got a cool hand drawn picture of Nena, I got a cut little crytal candle holder and Nena got a cute little doll that makes noises when you push her belly button.
Nena's doll.

Our Christmas was great, it is so much more fun when you have a kid old enough to open their own presents and to get excited about them!! With her toys that she got, Nena would open a present just enough to see what is was and then just squeal and touch it until we finally got her to open the rest of it. As soon as it was opened, she would start playing with it and wasn't even interested in opening anything else until we finally had to put it aside and convince her to open another one.

Opening her stocking. She got a little recorder and at first she didn't know what to do but now she has learned that when you blow in it, it makes noise.

Opening her rocking horse. She just opened the head and then sat there laughing and petting its head for a little while before we finally got her to open the whole thing. She loves it and has learned to rock on it. When you squeeze it's ears it sings and makes noise so she will squeeze the ears as hard as she can to make it sing.

This present was fun because it wasn't a toy. It was just a jacket and a shirt and when she opened it, she threw the clothes out and was looking in the wrapping paper for her toy! Sorry Nena, no toy!!
This present was a little rooster flashlight. You squeeze it's tail and the mouth opens up with the light in it and it says cockadoodle doo. Nena loves the noise it makes.

This was a wagon with some legos in it. She just started to push it around the house and she loves doing that. We are still trying to get her to use the handle and pull it and she's slowly getting the hang of it.

Riding on her rocking horse with her doll

Modeling her fairy outfit from her aunt Arlissa


Danielle said...

How fun Kristen! I'm glad that you had such a wonderful Christmas...and you're right, having little kids at Christmas time makes everything just a little bit better.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I heard about your Nativity at your parents! Glad you had a fun Christmas. It was fun to see you guys in Snowflake.

Jenae said...

So Cute! It was so fun to see you and your family over Christmas. Happy New Year

Brittany said...

Hey Kristin! Your little family is so cute. Congrats on having another little one on the way! Thanks for the advice. I think you are right. It's nice to know other people have gone through the same thing.

Snowflakers said...

It looks like you had a great Christmas. It was fun having you at our house after Christmas, even though everyone just kind of blended into the "mob."